Enfim, encontrei...

Praticamente sem a intenção, navegando a esmo pelo grande mar virtual através da nau Google.com, procurando uma solução para um problema em um relatório que me atormenta há dois dias, aportei no seguinte vídeo do Youtube tal qual Cristóvão Colombo descobriu a América em 1492 tentando alcançar a Índia.

Vou compartilhar com vocês, caros leitores imaginários, o vídeo de abertura do meu seriado favorito (junto com The IT Crowd), The Big Bang Theory.

A música é do BareNaked Ladies e o nome da música é The History of Everything.

Barenaked Ladies - The History of Everything (Letra)

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started


The earth began to cool
The autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall
We built the pyramids
Math, science, history
Unraveling the mystery
That all started with the big bang

Since the dawn of man is really not that long
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song
A fraction of a second and the elements were made
The bipeds stood up straight
The dinosaurs all met their fate
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died
They froze their asses off

The oceans and pangea
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang

It all started with the big... bang!

It's expanding ever outward, but one day
It will pause and start to go the other way
Collapsing ever inward,
We won't be here,
It won't be heard
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang

Austrelopithicus would really have been sick of us
Debating how we're here
They're catching deer
We're catching viruses

Religion now astronomy
Encarta, deuteronomy
It all started with the big bang
Music and mythology
Einstein and astrology
It all started with the big bang
It all started with the big...

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